
Multiple Projects in Documents, HTML Reports, Table of Contents in Excel, and PDF Diagrams

Include Multiple Projects in Your Documents and Diagrams

You now have the ability to select multiple projects to be included in your documentation and diagrams. Simply navigate to the Organize Content Tab and select the projects you want included in your reports. Filter your projects by application, deployment environment, name, region, or tag. Cloudockit will automatically save your preferences for future document generation.

Cloudockit Reports are Now Available in HTML

Cloudockit documents, one of our most important features, are now available in HTML. You can generate reports in Word, PDF, and HTML, giving you even greater flexibility. Generate an editable Word document for yourself, automatically send a PDF document to your manager, or send an HTML report, for easy viewing, to your client.

With HTML reports, enjoy all of the same features available in Cloudockit. Simply select the format before your document generation and you will receive the link via email.

Excel Documents Now Contain a Table of Contents

Excel documents used to be difficult to navigate due to their endless tabs. Now, all Excel files will be generated with a table of contents as the first tab. Furthermore, each page will have a link to help you get back to the table of contents quickly, eliminating the need to constantly scroll between tabs.

PDF Diagrams are Now Available

You no longer need to use diagramming software like Visio, Lucidchart, or diagrams.net (draw.io) in order to view your architecture diagrams. Cloudockit can now deliver your architecture diagrams directly in a PDF file.

PDF diagrams are not editable, however, by using Cloudockit’s Tailored Diagrams, you have the ability to handpick what you want to see in the diagrams.

Read the full list of features

Release Note v4.8