
Cloudockit Release Notes

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Release v21 – July 2024

  • Fixed throttling calculation issues with the SaaS API
  • Fixed Virtual network gateways connections missing
  • Updated deprecated EA billing API to use Cost Management
  • Added support for US Government, Germany and China on container version
  • API calls update for the following workloads:
    • Azure Cache for Redis
    • Storage accounts
    • Disks
    • Load balancers
    • Application gateways
    • Firewall
    • Firewall Policies
    • Virtual network gateways
    • Virtual networks
    • Virtual machines
    • Virtual machine scale sets
    • Public IP addresses
    • Cosmos DB
    • Network interfaces
    • Private endpoints
    • Route tables
    • ExpressRoute circuits
    • Virtual WAN
    • Network security groups
    • Application security groups
    • Network watcher
    • Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD)
    • Batch
    • Blueprint
    • CDN
    • DevTest Labs
    • Monitor Alert
    • Sentinel
    • Snapshot
    • Policy
    • Management locks
    • Log Analytics
    • Image
    • Bot Service
    • Analysis Service
    • API Management
    • Resource groups
    • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  • Newly added workloads
    • NAT Gateway
    • Public IP prefixes
    • Private IP prefixes
    • Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL
  • Added AWS CAWest1 region
  • Added support for regional GKE clusters

Release v20 – November 2023

  • Added support for Cloud Service Provider license
  • Added logs file to the list of generated files for ease of access
  • Added more information about document generation in logs file
  • Added Azure Tenant Id / AWS Account Id / GCP Organization Id in reports
  • Removed Azure SAS Token from log file when using cloud storage as drop-off
  • Removed local generated document references in Confluence and Email
  • Fixed an issue with Scanning Issues which prevented Track Changes/Dashboard files from being properly generated
  • Fixed log file when using Azure Connection String as drop-off
  • Fixed the MSI installation path for Cloudockit Desktop
  • Fixed folder path for SharePoint drop-off
  • Fixed Compliance Rule association with Compliance Standard when using multiple cloud providers
  • Fixed an issue where changing the drop-off email would have no impact
  • Fixed Application Insights API Key feature
  • Removed Azure DataFactory v1, DataFactory workload will now only scan v2
  • Added Environment Variable ‘AuthenticationEndPoint’ for Container version to specify the Azure environment (ex. gov)
  • Fixed some workloads not properly adding tags to scanned resources
  • Fixed Billing workload not displaying the cost for the proper period (Last X Days)
  • Fixed an issue with Confluence which caused duplicate diagrams
  • Fixed an issue with Cross-Account Role which caused the generation to fail in certain scenarios
  • Fixed an issue for Confluence which would override the detail page of the last scanned account in a multi-account scan
  • Fixed an issue which would generate a Global Diagram for non-included AWS Account
  • Fixed EC2 AMI missing information for deleted AMIs
  • Fixed an issue with Backup vaults which would cause the scan to hang indefinitely without any log
  • Fixed tags for RDS
  • Added Israel region to the list of available regions
  • Fixed an issue preventing IAM from being scanned
  • Updated AWS Container installation guide
  • Fixed an issue when generating Global Diagram
  • Fixed performance issues on very large environments
  • Fixed various issues when scanning workloads
  • Fixed logic for multiple VPC Compliance Rules

Release v19 – September 2023

  • Added more information for storage validation
  • Added hyperlink for new releases notifications in the Help section
  • Updated Terms and Conditions
  • Updated Compliance Rules/Standards icons for vision-impaired users
  • Added possibility to install Cloudockit Desktop to other drives than C:\
  • Added option to specify time zone for document generation
  • Added more logs during diagram generation
  • Updated/added more information in generated documentation for workload Azure – Public DNS
  • Added more information in generated documentation for Azure Sentinel
  • Fixed Azure Billing to support both old and modern subscriptions
  • Fixed diagrams for Azure Management Groups
  • Fixed Azure multi-subscriptions document generation not working properly for Desktop version
  • Fixed issues with Azure Management Locks, Role Assignments and Subscriptions workloads
  • Added Azure Private Endpoint and CosmosDB icon to built-in templates
  • Fixed a bug for Container version which would cause some AWS workloads scan misses
  • Added possibility to use ECS Task IAM Role instead of Access Keys
  • Added possibility to save schedules in AWS
  • Fixed GCP workloads Memorystore, Spanner & BigTable and added/updated information in generated documentation
  • Added GCP Cloud Run workload to the list of workloads for the Tailored Documentation
  • Added possibility to save schedules in GCP
  • Fixed an issue which would reset validations/tokens upon saving/removing a configuration on SaaS/Container version
  • Fixed an issue which would reset validations/tokens upon validating track changes storage
  • Fixed association between a Compliance Rule and a Compliance Standard
  • Fixed Confluence Hyperlinks not working properly
  • Fixed issues with Confluence for Desktop multi-subscriptions single document generation
  • Removed Resource Filters from AWS document generation
  • Minor UI fixes and adjustments

Release v18 – June 2023

  • Fixed multiple false positive scanning issue
  • Fixed a bug where a compliance standard wouldn’t properly associate to a compliance rule
  • Updated terms of service
  • Fixed an issue with Confluence where the Cloudockit logos would not display
  • UI fixes
  • Updated container guides
  • Updated to OAuth 2.0
  • Updated from ADAL to MSAL
  • Added an extra layer of security when authenticating to Azure
  • Fixed an issue where CPU count and RAM capacity would not be properly displayed in the report
  • Fixed an issue where Visio diagrams would display empty white pages
  • Remove draw.io generation from Visio diagram
  • Fixed an issue when using a custom template where the cover page would not be displayed in the report
  • Fixed an issue when using a custom template where the Scanning Issues table would be displayed with bad formatting
  • Fixed an issue where the Virtual Machine icon displayed in the reports would differ from the one found in the diagrams
  • Fixed Auto Scaling properties ‘Suspended Processes’ and ‘Target Groups’ not being properly displayed in report

Release v17 – May 2023

  • Added custom template support for Tailored Documentation
  • Added more information for schedules on Desktop version
  • Added memory usage logging for Desktop version
  • Added more details for Scanning Issues
  • Added Administrator column in Admin section for Container version
  • Removed scheduling from SaaS version
  • Removed option to encrypt export configuration file on Desktop version
  • Added AWS Subnet icons for diagrams
  • Added support for AWS Elastic Block Store (EBS)
  • Added support for 6 new AWS regions (Hyderabad, Jakarta, Melbourne, Spain, Zurich and UAE)
  • Added support for GCP container service account
  • Added support for GCP Secret Manager
  • Fixed Compliance rule not being properly shared to other users on SaaS/Container
  • Fixed editing a Compliance rule on Desktop version which would create a new rule instead of editing the
    existing one
  • Fixed Compliance Rule not being properly associated to a Compliance Standard
  • Fixed drop-off settings not updating properly upon loading a configuration on Desktop
  • Fixed a bug on SaaS/Container which would prevent the e-mail drop-off settings from being saved/loaded
  • Fixed empty space in diagrams when filtering by tag(s)
  • Fixed AWS diagrams not properly displaying different resource types
  • Fixed report not using the right time zone
  • Fixed OnPrem scripts for Docker version
  • Fixed a bug which would cause an infinite loop when filtering for a Compliance Standard
  • Fixed SaaS/Container WebUI API not properly populating the Classifiers settings property
  • Fixed Dashboard generation
  • Fixed AWS VPC not properly displaying the Route Table in the report
  • Fixed refresh diagram functionality which would cause the connectors to disappear
  • Fixed a bug on SaaS/Container which would allow the user to select multiple templates at the same time
  • Fixed Azure Excel report not properly displaying the Backup Policy column

Release v16 – Feb 2023

  • Upgraded to .NET 6
  • Deprecated SharePoint IT Portal
  • Updated track changes icons to properly represent the trends
  • Tag filtering now supports the use of multiple tags as well as the ability to either include or exclude them
  • Added support for restricting the activation of a license based of a list of domains (Contact support for more information)
  • Added option to specify a prefix for the name of the generated documents
  • Added option to import and export a configuration for SaaS & Container version
  • (Preview) Added support for GRPC drop-off (API only)
  • Added support for Azure Sentinel
  • Added support for Azure Recovery Services vaults
  • Added support for Azure Virtual Network Gateway
  • Fixed Azure Key Vault and App Insights icons not showing in Visio Diagrams
  • Fixed Drawio generation generating Visio files
  • Fixed uploaded files MimeType for GCP Buckets
  • Fixed GCP generating an empty diagram for ByResourceGroups
  • Fixed multi-subscriptions generation for Container version
  • Fixed Azure report displaying resources that link to a page with the text “Resource not found”
  • Fixed AWS Network Load Balancer not properly detected/filtered/displayed in diagrams
  • Fixed an issue which would cause the admin section to not be displayed on SaaS & Container version
  • Fixed GCP Excel Report not properly showing the Subnetworks column
  • Fixed Desktop version not properly displaying the Cloudockit icon as well as not creating a proper Start menu shortcut
  • Fixed Azure Disk icon displaying its title twice
  • Fixed GCP report displaying the Scanning Issues section in highlighted blue
  • Fixed Tailored Document report not displaying the components used in the deployment properly (trends)
  • Fixed Container version PDF report displaying bullet points as squares

Release v15 – Dec 2022

  • Tailored Documentation are now available, you can exactly choose which sections you would like to include in your reports. More details to come on that subject!
  • Added support for Lucidchart Diagram creation with your own Lucidchart credentials
  • Added Billing interval for SaaS and Container version
  • SaaS version will no longer force the use of a storage account as drop-off
  • Container version will now inform users of installation configuration problems
  • Virtual machines will now display their state in reports and diagrams
  • Added support for Azure Single Postgres Servers
  • Added support for Azure MySQL Flexible Servers
  • Fixed AAD not being reported in documentation
  • Fixed PostgreSQL compliance rules being inverted
  • Fixed Virtual Machine icon not appearing when Virtual Network is not selected
  • Added Azure Arc to Desktop version
  • Fixed Policy Assignment not being properly associated to a Policy Definition
  • Fixed Policy Definition not showing the entirety of the policy rule
  • Fixed missing personal access token textbox for Azure Databricks on Desktop version
  • Fixed billing section description
  • Added icon for Security Group
  • Fixed Excel report not displaying all tags for EC2
  • Fixed empty diagrams when filtering by tags
  • Fixed overriding resource name not working on Subnets
  • Added support for GCP Folders
  • Fixed VMWare missing and duplicating resources
  • Fixed Desktop version not opening locally stored diagrams with default application
  • Fixed empty list of document generations when a schedule is currently active on Desktop version
  • Fixed schedule display on Desktop version
  • Fixed currency not displaying the right currency code in reports
  • Fixed settings being lost upon loading a configuration
  • Fixed Container version admin section not showing up
  • Fixed Destop version schedule configuration not being properly displayed
  • Fixed compliance standard not displaying associated compliance rules

Release v14 – October 2022

  • Notification message when imputing your product key is improved: easily understand if your product key has expired or if you have reached the maximum number of users.
  • We have removed the ability to embed Visio OLE Object inside Word documents since Microsoft Word is experiencing memory management issues with OLE Object. Visio diagrams are still embedded in reports but not as OLE Objects, which were not activated by default.
  • You can now select exactly where you want your documents to be generated in your SharePoint document library.
  • If you are using Cloudockit Storage, your documents can now only be stored for up to 30 days before being permanently deleted. This change ensures greater security of your documentation.
  • Confluence drop-off parameters are now available through API calls which gives you the ability to schedule and automate Confluence IT Portal generation.
  • Azure Firewall policies are now fully supported.
  • Azure Application Security Groups are now fully supported.
  • Built-in policies are excluded from reports. Having those policies in reports created very long reports with information of no added value.
Google Cloud
  • Cloudockit now documents and diagrams GCP Cloud Run and SQL.
  • Split-generated documents by Labels and workloads are now available in GCP.
  • AWS ECS diagrams are now available.
Bug Fixes
  • Diagrams by workloads are making Visio Plan 2 crash.
  • The subnet icon does not appear in Visio Diagrams.
  • Documentation for Cosmos DB setup in a container needs correction.
  • Cannot generate diagrams except for Tailored Diagrams.
  • VMWare – Split by feature not working.
  • Excel reports not showing billing information for resource groups.
  • NSG associated with NIC not displaying in reports.

Release v12 – July 2022

  • Azure Key Vault access policies are now supported
Google Cloud
  • Filtering using labels is now supported for Google Cloud
Bug Fixes
  • Upload and refresh diagrams fix with scheduling in SaaS
  • AWS Location diagrams empty has been fixed
  • The compliance selection section is fixed when navigating the UI
  • Tailored Diagrams icons are not displayed when using the editor is fixed

Release v11 – June 2022

  • The Subscription, account, or project names are now visible in the options screen
  • The SharePoint drop-off validation has been improved
  • Configurations can now be saved in Cloudockit Container. This will allow you to load a configuration quickly to launch a document generation without having to define everything manually.
  • Azure Virtual WAN is now supported
  • Azure Logs Analytics is now supported
  • AWS diagram hyperlinks now open to the resources section of the AWS Console
Bug Fixes
  • AWS Gov login issues have been fixed
  • Azure billing information not displaying has been fixed
  • GCP track changes have been improved

Release v10 – April 2022


Performance Improvements

  • Time to generate documents (word, pdf …) decreased by 20% to deliver you documents faster
  • Memory consumption has been decreased by 20 to 40% to fix the memory pressure customers were experiencing while using Cloudockit Desktop and Cloudockit Container


Deprecated Features

  • To stay up to date with how Azure/AWS/GCP platforms evolve, we deprecate some of our existing features:
  • ClassicWorkloads (you will still be able to scan them if you install previous Cloudockit Desktop Version)
  • OnPremscanning (will be replaced once Lansweeper deep on-premises scan is fully integrated)
  • Automation through Cloudockit website: We are transitioning to our REST API that is more flexible as it gives you more control over how you want to automate and schedule document generations
  • Windows Docker Image since we now recommend using Linux Docker Image
  • The Scheduler & ACS workloads that no longer exist anymore have been removed
  • Azure ARC now supported
  • Azure Synapse now supported
  • Azure Windows Virtual Desktop
  • Cloudockit Desktop no longer requires Administrator Mode to run. You still need Administrator privileges to install Cloudockit Desktop but not to run it. This will make your deployment job much easier.
Bug Fixes
  • VMWare – Virtual Machines missing from Excel document generated
  • Container – AWS Gov – Storage Validation Error
  • Desktop – Process cannot access state file
  • Lucidchart – Diagrams not generating in specific environments
  • Recovery Service Vaults – Protected Items missing from the reports

Release v9 – December 2021

Bug Fixes
  • Missing empty row, in track changes, has been fixed
  • Managed Instances now display the GUI when gathering the metadata
  • SES information is now displayed properly in Cloudockit Reports for AWS Gov.
  • External IP count contains wrong values
  • AWS Lightsail configuration issue
  • Tailored diagrams deselecting when changing screen when using the desktop version
  • Criticism typo fixed

Release v9 – December 2021

Bug Fixes
  • Missing empty row, in track changes, has been fixed
  • Managed Instances now display the GUI when gathering the metadata
  • SES information is now displayed properly in Cloudockit Reports for AWS Gov.
  • External IP count contains wrong values
  • AWS Lightsail configuration issue
  • Tailored diagrams deselecting when changing screen when using the desktop version
  • Criticism typo fixed

Release v7 – September 2021

Tailored Diagrams
Refreshed Diagrams
  • Azure Data Share is now fully documented – Learn More
  • Azure Reservations are now detected by Cloudockit
  • Traffic Manager diagrams have been added to your Word documents to enable you to see dependencies with components like Azure Web Apps
  • Azure Analysis Services are now fully supported
  • Cloudockit now gives extensive details about Azure Container Instances and Azure Container Registry with dependencies
Google Cloud
Bug Fixes
  • Compliance rules not displaying when authenticating with Use Another Account
  • Expiration Time cannot be set in Cloudockit Container
  • Excel displays diagram fields that are useless
  • Components in Tailored Diagrams cannot be moved under specific circumstances
  • Provisioning Date value now reflects VM’s creation time and not the last modification on the VM

Release v6 – June 2021

  • Compliance Rules and Tailored Diagram grids have been updated to easily distinguish between built-in items and custom items
  • You can now export and import Tailored Diagram Templates directly from Cloudockit Web UI. Opening new scenarios for sharing your templates
  • Tailored Diagrams now display the connection of Aggregation types with specific arrows for you to not miss connections even if you did not embed the resources
Bug Fixes
  • Azure – OS and OS version information missing from the report
  • S3 drop off not validated in Azure scan
  • Excel documents generation has been fixed for Azure Gov in Cloudockit Desktop
  • SharePoint Online Drop-Off is not working for Container with a Windows image
  • OS Disk size has been adjusted in the Virtual Machine settings section
  • net (draw.io) Native files opening result in “Error loading file / Not a diagram file”
  • Azure App Gateway not shown in Diagrams depending on the App Gateway links
  • Azure Europe datacenters number not displaying
  • GCP-Kubernetes Detection of clusters fail without basic authentication
  • Excel reports not generating successfully
  • AWS – IAM role authentication with Google not displaying accounts
  • Tag Name display in Native diagrams.net (draw.io) shapes data

Release v5 – May 3, 2021

API Container
  • Azure Data Factory is now part of the Excel reports
  • Azure Firewall information now displays in SQL managed instances and elastic pools in reports
  • OS of the Azure App Service Plan is displayed in reports and diagrams
  • Public address is now displayed in Word documents, in the settings and IP configuration sections of virtual machines
  • New AWS regions (af-south-1, eu-south-1, and more) were added to the list of available regions
  • Cloudockit Desktop now supports tag filtering in AWS
  • EC2 Instances that are terminated can be excluded from your reports
Bug Fixes
    • Billing diagrams and metrics diagrams are repeated in multiple sections with the same information
    • Azure Virtual Machine OS information is missing
    • Azure Gov document generation failing for specific configurations
    • Azure Backup section of Virtual Machine is empty

Release v4.8 – February 8, 2021

  • Spring Cloud is now available from the list of Workloads
  • Spring Cloud components now appear in reports and diagrams
  • Service Map can now be used to detect dependencies between components
  • Cloudockit Container now supports Web UI (in Preview)
Compliance Rules
  • Custom compliance standards can now be exported from Cloudockit SaaS and imported into Cloudockit Desktop
  • A dash (-) now displays in the compliance rules table when no rules exist for a component
  • PDF diagrams are now available for Azure, AWS, GCP, and on-prem – Learn More
  • Tailored Diagrams automatically detect duplicate components
  • Custom Tailored Diagrams can now be exported from Cloudockit SaaS and imported into Cloudockit Desktop
  • Cloudockit now support Refreshable Diagrams (in Preview)
  • Cloudockit Diagrams now include links to help pages
  • Diagrams are now created by location
  • Blank pages are now removed from draw.io, Lucidchart, and PDF files
  • Cloudockit Tailored Diagram support custom fields displayed in the Shape
  • Cloudockit Desktop now automatically detects when you trigger a scan manually. It will automatically suggest scheduling the document generation so that you don’t have to do that manually next time
  • Cloudockit Desktop now automatically proposes scheduling when creating new reports
  • In Visio, for Azure Diagrams, you can now click on the shape (Ctrl+click) to open the Azure Portal for a specific resource
  • Multiple projects in GCP can now be included in the reports once generated
  • Cloudockit Google Cloud documentation now features billing diagrams
  • Cloudockit API / Cloudockit Desktop can now rescan the 1st day of the Month automatically in AWS
Bug Fixes
  • Client seems to not have the issue anymore
  • Cloudockit Scan Agent gives data from a different date
    Fix billing dates Web & API
  • GCP Storage buckets display a size of 0 bytes
  • Azure – Number of resources per location don’t match the number of components
  • Enable PDF Diagrams generation without Visio selected
  • GCP Location “US” not found
  • GCP Drop-off text is incorrect
    GCP does not display Executive Summary
  • Indicator shows no Rule for a Network Security group and shows Rules for the next Network Security Group
  • AWS Scan is stuck on Lambda

Release v4.6 – November 7, 2020

  • Azure Quota of App Service plan is now displayed
  • Azure Storage account now display the Used Capacity metric
  • Azure DNS Zone is now supported

Release v4.4 – September 28, 2020

  • Availability Zones of Virtual Machines are now included in the settings section
  • Service Map can now be used to detect dependencies between components
  • RegionEndpoint.CNNorthWest1 and RegionEndpoint.CNNorth1 are now unchecked by default
  • Users can now click on their name to view their profile that currently contains their product key and expiration date
  • Cloudockit now includes at least one Aggregation Link from a CDKCategoryCDK_SecurityAndManagement_OrganizationalUnit component in the JSON file. This will allow you to ensure that you do not have ‘orphan’ resources in your JSON files
  • Cloudockit Container logo now displays when container setup mode is enabled
Compliance rules
Cloudockit Desktop
  • Cloudockit Desktop now features Button Run Now available in the scheduled job window
  • Cloudockit website now features a direct link to Cloudockit Desktop User Guide
  • One day free trial can now be enabled for the desktop version
  • Cloudockit Desktop now allows specifying the number of days to go back when retrieving billing information
  • Cloudockit Desktop Trial process has been simplified to avoid asking for confirmation many times
  • Cloudockit Desktop now supports the ability to scan AWS, Azure, and GCP on a single EC2 instance and store the results to one central S3 bucket
  • Updated Word template to include compliance standards
  • Custom template attribute has been added to the list of API attributes
  • Cloudockit API Web User Interface now displays Powershell & Curl command line before users click on Execute
Google cloud

Release v4.02.04 – June 10, 2020

  • Load Balancers now features detailed information like Frontend IP Configurations, Health probes, Inbound rules, and more
Compliance rules
  • Cloudockit compliance rules can now be shared with the rest of your team. When you create a new Compliance Rule, you can choose to make it available to all people who have the same license code
Cloudockit Desktop
  • Cloudockit Desktop is now featured on our new home page which facilitates access to our local solution. Download our desktop version today
  • JSON and LDIF output can be customized with options that are now available in the Web UI and in Cloudockit Desktop
  • You can now import/export plain JSON files into Cloudockit Desktop to allow you to manually edit the configurated file
  • You can now choose if you want to generate diagrams by Location or not
  • PostgreSQL and MariaDB are now fully documented in Azure
  • SQL diagrams for managed instances/servers in Azure are now included in the documentation
  • Cloudockit now supports MFA for AWS Access Keys
  • “AmazonIamUser“ and “AmazonIamUserDetail“ are consolidated “intoAmazonIamUser”
  • Filtering by AWS Tags is now supported: you can specify the tag name and its value to filter only the resources you want
  • You can now drop the generated file into AWS S3 Bucket when you use the multi-account authentication scenario with a cross-account role

Release v4.02 – April 30, 2020

  • Cloudockit now provides some hints about how to improve your Documents/Diagrams generation. The list of hints is available here: https://www.cloudockit.com/knowledge-base/document-generation-hints/
  • Cloudockit Web UI now supports Notifications that will allow us to share some information with you like New Releases and Tips
  • Cloudockit now supports the Track Changes features (Previously this feature was only available on AWS/Azure)
  • Information retrieval in Cloudockit has been updated to better handle exceptions while scanning a component. For instance, if there was an issue (like lack of permissions) in scanning some particular settings like CORS Settings in a Storage Account, it could prevent the Storage Account from being shown. Now only the CORS Settings will be impacted
  • Cloudockit Web UI limit of time to generate documentation has been changed from 6 hours to 24 hours and an email is now sent if this is not enough time to generate the document with some hints on how to fix it
  • JSON and LDIF files now feature more Links between components as all collection of objects are now flagged as Links when appropriate
  • Audit has been renamed to Password Protected in the Cloudockit Website to avoid confusion. Password for protected documents are sent in a separate email to documents
  • Cloudockit API allows filtering on billing entries using JsonBillingDimension and JsonBillingType API Parameters
  • You can now generate Word documents that contain only the changes to your environment. This leverages the existing Cloudockit Track Changes features
  • A new template named Essential is now available. This template contains the most important settings for each component but with fewer details than the Full template that can be too verbose for huge environments
  • Names of documents generated have been updated to match Cloudockit Web Interface (for example, Azure Documentation has been renamed to Azure Word Report)
  • Cloudockit now features an automatic mechanism to help produce documents for Huge Environments like automatically decreasing the amount of information displayed, the quality of the stencils, the split of documents…
  • documents: LdifIncludeDiagrams, LdifIncludeBilling
  • Visio Diagrams now features an icon near the shapes of resources that have been added or modified so that you can easily see how your environment evolves
  • Logic App complete diagrams are now included in the Cloudockit generated documents (diagrams/reports)
  • Diagrams of Virtual Networks in the Word document is now resized to fit the width of the page
  • Runtime & Languages are now displayed for Azure Functions
  • Azure Template App Service section has been updated to show Architecture Diagram in the first section
  • Azure Storage API Version used by Cloudockit has been updated
  • Cloudockit supports Azure Data Factory v2. Azure Data Factory v1 supports is under development
  • Azure Load Balancers are now scanned by Cloudockit even if they are not connected to any Virtual Machines or Virtual Machines ScaleSet
  • New Hint has been added to detect that you cannot get your Kubernetes Cluster details (Pods, Services…) because you lack permissions (http://cloudockit.com/knowledge-base/document-generation-hints/)
  • Cloudockit API exposes AWS Billing by Tags, by using the IncludeBillingTags API Parameter
  • All AWS API used by Cloudockit (Nuget Packages) have been updated
Google Cloud
  • Drop-off in Google Storage is now supported so you can use your own Google Cloud Storage to store your Reports/Diagrams
  • All Google API used by Cloudockit (Nuget Packages) have been updated

Questions about any of these new features?

Contact our Support Team